Opera For Kids

Opera For Kids                                                                                           April 2008

Bertha and the Bad Girls

Dido & Aeneas (The Witches’ Scene)

By Henry Purcell

Libretto by Nahum Tate

Alcina (Finale)

By Georg Frideric Handel

Libretto by Riccardo Broschi

Bertha, Queen of Norway

By Ned Rorem

Libretto by Kenneth Koch

Friday, April 25th 2008, 4:00 PM

Saturday, April 26th 2008, 4:00 PM

Sunday, April 27th 2008, 4:00 PM

Christ Church Cobble Hill

326 Clinton Street

Brooklyn, NY


Peter Szep, conductor

Judith Barnes, director

Dixie Rich, costume designer

Audrey Saint-Gil, piano

Jill Reinier, storyteller


The Cast


Dido & Aeneas

Sorceress: Aram Tchobanian

First Witch: Heather Green

Second Witch: Sarah Nelson Craft

Witches: Sarah Downs, Gregg Lauterbach, Robert Lewis, Lucia Pompetti, Andrea Skafish, Kimberly Sogioka, Aram Tchobanian


Alcina: Judith Barnes

Ruggiero: Sarah Nelson Craft

Bradamante: Kimberly Sogioka

Enchanted People: Sarah Downs, Heather Green, Gregg Lauterbach, Robert Lewis, Lucia Pompetti, Andrea Skafish, Aram Tchobanian

Bertha, Queen of Norway

Bertha: Judith Barnes

Barbarians: Nathan Baer, Joey Barnes, lsidore Elias, Aram Tchobanian

Norwegian Citizens: Sarah Nelson Craft, Sarah Downs, Robert Lewis, Andrea Skafish, Kimberly Sogioka

Old Norwegian Man: Gregg Lauterbach

Norwegian General: Heather Green

Teacher: Nathan Baer

Norwegian Child: Lucia Pompetti

Messenger: Sarah Downs

Three Scotchmen: Aram Tchobanian, Gregg Lauterbach, Nathan Baer

Counselor: Nathan Baer

Young Lovers: Andrea Skafish, Gregg Lauterbach

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